Watershed and Bank Stabilization

JET Filter System’s Maintainable Weep Hole Filters help bank stabilization of critical infrastructure by protecting natural drainage systems along banks and watersheds

A watershed is a natural draining system that channels water through creeks, into rivers, lakes, and finally to the ocean. During storm events, large amounts of water try to flow through the watershed at the same time. Fast-moving water presents issues with bank stabilization, causes flooding, and endangers neighborhoods. Stormwater travels to these locations to eventually flow towards a larger body of water.

When banks erode upstream, downstream waters and communities can be flooded with eroded soils that clog lower lying areas. To keep these natural systems working correctly, retaining walls and other structures can be used to protect the banks and stop erosion.

Watershed and Bank Stabilization - Bank Sheering

The earth retaining infrastructure has its own water drainage challenges! Groundwater is also trying to flow into the creeks, rivers, and lakes. This groundwater flows toward the earth retaining infrastructures where it pools up behind the walls. Draining away this pressure will prevent damage to the necessary infrastructure and extend it’s service life.

Maintainable weep hole Filters by JET Filter System is an ideal solution to increase the life of walls used to control water flow and stop bank erosion. Weep hole filters do not require excavation as they install from the front side of any new or existing wall. Weep hole filters allow water to drain from behind the wall while preventing loss of backfill material.

Protect your dam or spillway structures today at 1-800-475-2029 or info@jetfiltersystem.com