MDOT Box Culvert Innovative Technology Demonstration

MDOT Innovative Technology Demonstration Box Culvert Drainage

In June 2019, JET Filter System partnered with the Michigan DOT and LS Engineering in a field demonstration program showcasing maintainable weep hole filters and box culvert drainage solutions. The units were successfully installed in a box culvert under US-31 at the north branch of the Macatawa River. Sponsored by AASHTO TSP-2 Bridge Preservation Partnership, this program was officially named Innovative Technology Demonstrations (ITD). It aims to introduce and promote new, innovative preservation materials and technologies to the owners and operators of the nation’s highway systems, ensuring long-term infrastructure resilience.


Built in 1964, this twin box culvert is 176 feet long and was originally designed with 3″ weep holes for drainage. Over time, the weep holes failed, allowing backfill material to escape through the holes, compromising the structure. Many of the failed weep holes were eventually plugged to stop soil loss, but this solution led to constant high water levels and increased pressure behind the walls. With no formal drainage system in place, the water found other paths through seams and cracks, further exacerbating the structural integrity issues. These challenges highlighted the need for improved drainage solutions in the MDOT Box Culvert Implementation project.

Coring for JET Filter Weep Hole System

Installation Reports

Pre-Installation Inspection: 6/3/19 MDOT/LS Engineering Report

Day 1 6/4/19 – Installation MDOT/JFS/LS Engineering Report

Day 2 6/5/19 – Installation MDOT/JFS/LS Engineering Report

Post Installation 6/7/19 (2 days) Report

One Week 6/14/19 Report

One Month 7/12/19 Report

90 Day 9/3/19 Report

6 Month 12/13/19 Report

Repair of Failed Box Culvert Drainage System

Repair of Failed Box Culvert Drainage System

Box Culvert Drainage - Innovative Technology Demonstration

Box Culvert Drainage - Innovative Technology Demonstration